"Issues of Legal Ethics in the Practice of Environmental Law" by Irma S. Russell
Issues of Legal Ethics in the Practice of Environmental Law

Issues of Legal Ethics in the Practice of Environmental Law


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The purpose of this book is to identify and explore questions of legal ethics that environmental lawyers may encounter in representing industrial clients, government agencies, individuals, public interest groups, and others. One might ask why a book on ethics in the environmental area is necessary. After all, the rules of ethics apply to all lawyers regardless of their area of practice. This book examines the evolving responsibilities and problems of lawyers practicing environmental law, addressing fundamental principles of ethics to apply these rules to the difficult context of environmental practice. Thus, the book focuses primarily on those rules of ethics that raise significant concerns for the environmental practitioner. Additionally, the commentary presented here seeks to provide sufficient background on the ethics rules to facilitate meaningful analysis of the ethical issues arising in the environmental context.

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Issues of Legal Ethics in the Practice of Environmental Law
