"2019-20 Survey of Applied Legal Education" by Robert R. Kuehn, Margaret Reuter et al.

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This report presents the results of the 2019-20 Center for the Study of Applied Legal Education (CSALE) Survey of Applied Legal Education. The survey was composed of two parts – a Master Survey directed to ABA accredited U.S. law schools and a Sub-Survey distributed to each person teaching in a law clinic or field placement course. Ninety-five percent of law schools and over 1,300 clinical teachers participated in the survey. The results provide valuable insight into clinical programs and law clinic and field placement courses in areas such as design, capacity, administration, funding, and pedagogy, and into the role and status of clinical educators in the legal academy. This is CSALE's fifth triennial survey, following up on surveys in 2007-08, 2010-11, 2013-14, and 2016-17.

Publication Title

Washington University in St. Louis Legal Studies Research Paper

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Law Commons
