"Taking Teaching And Learning Seriously: A Tribute To Professor Susan M" by Irma S. Russell

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Professor Susan Martyn is an inspiring and dedicated teacher. She inspires me by her teaching, her work with students in the classroom, as well as with lawyers in continuing legal education programs, and her writing for scholars and the public. The invitation to write in a law review edition honoring this amazing professor and scholar provided the opportunity to contemplate a topic that is central to my life and the lives of most who teach: What is good teaching, and how do we increase good teaching and good learning in legal education today? We are in a time of stunning change, and there is no question that the problems facing legal education today are significant. According to Thomas W. Lyons III, a Rhode Island lawyer who is a member of the American Bar Association’s Task Force on the Future of Legal Education, “There is almost universal agreement that the current system is broken.” Numerous commentators and legal scholars have documented the rapid change in today’s legal world and articulated problems in legal education.

Publication Title

University of Toledo Law Review




