"A Guide to EMTALA" by Kaylee Jacobson

Date of Award

Fall 2023

Document Type

Legal Research Pathfinders

Degree Name

Juris Doctorate (JD)


Paul Callister


This Pathfinder research guide provides an overview of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). This guide is intended for both attorneys in the field and hospital compliance departments. It is essential for attorneys to understand both the requirements of an EMTALA claim and the circuit splits on interpretation. Hospital compliance departments have an interest in understanding EMTALA for preventative and response measures.

This guide walks the researcher through a brief background on EMTALA and how to research the federal statute using primary, secondary, and news-based sources. The goal is to equip them with the necessary tools to perform robust research on an EMTALA issue. It seeks to incorporate both Subscription Services and Free Resources.
